Rah ahan sq. Urban design project (1998)

Rah-ahan sq. Is a unique spot in Tehran, in front of the main rail road station, dated 1936. The architecture of the main three dominant buildings around this square is German national-romanticism, and is highly distinguished among the modern buildings of Tehran. The project aimed to provide required facilities for the rail-road passengers, facilitates for the pedestrian movement, decreasing the vehicle access to this area, and in two levels of interference. Level one, includes of 15 hectares area in which an urban - design study has been done, and a land-use plan is provided, proposing different architectural projects, within the frame work of the urban design studies. Level two, focuses on the 2 hectares area of the rah-ahan sq. For an urban design micro scale project. On this level with priority of pedestrian circulation & provision of passengers basic requirements, an urban design project has been presented. The main area of the square in the southern part and adjacent to the rail-road station is dedicated to the pedestrian movement & a quiet plaza for the passengers; and the northern side of the square is dedicated to the vehicle movement with open space for pedestrians on the corners and redesigning the existing park.
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